We are first and foremost an entertainment company that is all about building the most powerful company in the world. A company that can single handly conquer the greatest epidemic threatening corporations world wide. Managementally Transmitted Diseases (MTD's). How long will you allow yourself and your family to suffer?

None of our comments or products really do anything but compliment the customer (or maybe offend). We just believe one should enjoy their time on Earth as much as possible. Please help us find the cure. Only you can prevent MTD's by using Corporate Dick's products to ward off unintelligence such as Miss Mangement, Miss Guidance, Miss Takes, Miss Direction, Miss Conception, Miss Understanding, Miss Comprehension, Miss Lead.

Our contact information

By phone:
Is there a reason to call? This information will be updated shortly. We are working on getting phones. Too many choices.

By standard mail:
We currently have no PO Box set up.
As we grow to economic dominance and prominance maybe we will be able to get one of these

By Email:
Currently we can only be contacted in this manner.

Sales Tax Information: Because our governing leaders suffer the most from MTD's Corporate Dick is playing it safe. Tax is applied for the state of Florida.

Shipping Information:

It's in the mail? Honestly we don't think you will want to return this stuff. It's too good.

Our Privacy Policy

We want as much privacy as you do. How many of you really read this section? Seriously, if there was a privacy policy then why do you get all of those telemarketer calls and all that junk mail, both postal mail and email. MTD's are alive and well. Fight back. Show your support. Buy protection! Currently we only keep the information that we receive from Pay Pal. This information contains, email address, and shipping information.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Send us questions and we will make a list of the usual Frequently Asked Questions to frustrate you to no end with useless answers.